hello guys welcome once again from this blog I am starting a new blogs on HTML and CSS so those of you who have never programmed HTML or who don't know what is HTML the HTML language is basically the basis of the majority of websites on internet so basically you make sweet and simple websites not simple but a very good website using esti HTML so for example on this screen you can see this Google search page and there is a HTML program running behind this sweet looking Google search page so how can we verify that the HTML is running behind it so just right lick your page if you are on Google Chrome or Mozilla and go here view page source and when you click this you will see so much of the code here so this is the HTML code and CSS code running behind this web page okay so we are going to learn this coding and how can we can make this sweet looking web page with the help of HTML and CSS so let's see what is the full form of HTML so when you see in the Wikipedia HTML stands for Hyper text markup language so this is a markup language which is used for creating web pages and there is a very good information on this this page if you want to learn more about this HTML then you can always read this and HTML just creates this text and all paragraphs and tables on your web page but what CSS do is CSS stands for cascading style sheets so it provides the style to your page like better fonts and font style font size and many other styling stuff is done with the help of CSS so HTML and CSS go together to create a good-looking website now for writing a C sorry HTML program you need to have a editor for writing HTML program so first of all I will show you how you can download that editor from Internet you can always open notepad to write your HTML code but I will show you the better editor for that for writing your HTML code so go to your google search and right here note pad plus plus so it's a free software a free editor in which you can make your HTML code and many other code like C C++ and PHP it you can add it so many codes from this notepad so it's worth downloading and above all it's free so just open this first link that you see and in here you can download this HTML so just go at the left and click this download and just click the latest version of download so you need to install or download this installer for installing your notepad so just click this notepad plus plus installer and it will take time to download and it's downloading in a moment and when it's downloaded just open this installer just click this and it will open a Installer Vizard so just click yes and select your language so I selects English and just click Next and I agree and the location where you want to install this program next and default looks good next and if you want to create a shortcut just click this I want to create a shortcut so I am clicking this and just install it and it will take a little bit time to install okay so once your program is installed just click this run checkbox and click finish so it will open automatically the notepad plus plus so this is the notepad editor and it will come with this changelog if you have already have the previous version of notepad plus plus so this is a editor where you want to write your HTML code and from next blog I will show you how to write your first HTML code and how to run that code using your notepad so stay tuned