hello guys welcome once again in the last blog I have shown you how you can write your first program in HTML using this notepad plus plus editor and I have shown you what this HTML tag is what is this head title and the body and we have added some paragraph and heading in our main body now in this blog I will show you some more tags so let's get started first thing is if this is for paragraph this I have shown you in the last blog and if you want to insert some more data like please subscribe and you want this line on one line and this on next line so how can you do that because this paragraph don't break these lines it shows these lines as it is so to break these lines we add just smaller than n greater than sign and write BR and what this BR will do is it will break your line so let's see if it works or not save your code and run it in your favorite browser and yes it breaks the line so first paragraph and here is the second line of the paragraph so this is break now sometimes in when you are writing a big code you need to write comments in your code so for example I will give you an example when you write this and this here and here you write not and to more and whatever you write in between this and this code it will not be executed it will be taken as a comment so for example you want to insert an important comment for example heading is below so you need to write like this so this code will not be executed as a HTML code okay and now I will show you how you can use text formatting with these paragraphs okay so first of all let us see this works or not this will be acting like comment so it will it should not execute so let's check this first and yes it's not executing it's showing the previous result now I will show you some text formatting tags which you can use with these paragraph okay so first of all I will make some space here and I will add text formatting tags here so these all tags I will explain all things one by one so these all are text formatting tag so what are these text formatting tag I will show you one by one so first you can see here we are writing a so we write P and at the end also P so whatever inside this P tag is a paragraph right and now if you notice I am writing this less than and greater than an in between I am writing this B letter and I am closing it also so what this B will do is it will make your text bold so whatever text inside this bowl that tag will be will appear as bold text okay now second this one once again the paragraph and in here I have written this smaller than a greater than sign and in between I have written eeehm and I have closed it this will emphasize your text in your paragraph so we will see the result and then you will be able to recognize what is emphasized text in the third line once again the paragraph and I have in I have enclose this text in greater than and smaller than and this I sign this is for italic letters so whatever you pass in between this italic tag all this code will appear as a italic letters in the next line I have written a paragraph and here I have given the small tag so whatever inside the small tag will appear smaller than normal size and next is the strong tag so whatever you write in the strong tag will appear as strong text right like you can say it's a bold text but really it appear as a mean text in the next line I have written a paragraph and in here I have supplied the su P tag this is for subscript tag and whatever inside this tag will appear as a subscript okay and in the next line I have written a paragraph and I am using two tags here one is delete tag so whatever you will provide inside the DL tag will appear as deleted some cross line will be there on blue and this is tag will add something to the text so I honest we'll add a underline in your text whatever inside here so this all tags are called text formatting tag tags and now let's try to save it and let's see what is the output of these oil tags okay so save and run in your favorite browser and you can see here all the output of our tags so first was bold tag right so this becomes bold whatever text here is bold if you can notice this second was we are using emphasized tag so it becomes a emphasized type of text formatting third was we were using italic text so you notice that this text text here is italic and other is normal fourth was the small tag so this go this line will appear smaller than normal size right and the other was the strong tag so whatever you will write inside strong tag it appears as a strong a text so it will be really at the front the next tag we have used was subscript tag so subscript add your text add the power of something like this like a subscript right and the next tag we have used two other tags which were delete tags so for blue we have used delete tag so it looks like it's deleted or cross-line is here and other tag we have used was a NS tag so it it's underscored and this exclamation mark is there right do we have this exclamation yes it we have so this just underlined this red text okay so this all is called text formatting tags all these and when you write them when you are making your website you are going to need all these tags in your website when you are writing something somewhere or the other you will surely require one of these formatting tags so that's it for this blog in the next blog I will show you some more HTML codes so please stay tuned