hello guys welcome once again in the last blog I have shown you how to link links that is this type of URL links and images with your HTML web page in this blog I will show you how to add audio files and video files with your HTML web page so first let's try to add a video with your HTML code so first of all what you need to do is you must have a mp4 video because HTML supports mp4 video files and other file support you need to add plugins for that in the browser so by default it supports mp4 files so what you need to do is go to your folder in which your index.html is there or your HTML file is there in the same folder you need to add this video mp4 file and you can add the audio file also mp3 file so it suppose mp3 and mp4 so that's why I have copied audio file which is mp3 file and video file which is mp4 file so after adding these video and audio in the same folder as your HTML file now go to your code this is the code and in here I will write the code for showing the video so first of all as always we will write greater than smaller than and greater than sign and inside this we will write video and when we open a tag we also need to close the tag with this slash now in after this video in between this here after just this before this greater than sign just make a little space here and in here we will pass the width and height of the video we want so I will right width is equal to double quotes and height is equal to double quotes and after that right controls so this control will add the control to your videos which we you will see when we run the program so after that inside this edge video tag we will write a source tag so smaller than n greater than sign and right so SRC is equal to double quotes and inside this double quote you need to write your name of your video file so my video file name is video dot mp4 so go to the property and you can see not this but this one yeah so video is the name and mp4 is the type so I will write here video dot mp4 and after that right type is equal to and in the double goat this double quote should come here after this okay so type and inside this double quote write the type of the videos with just video or small letter video and type is mp4 so it's a video and it's of type mp4 okay and we haven't given the width and height just remove this width and height for now and let's see what happens when we run the code like that so just save the program and run it and you can see the video file is opening in your HTML page now when you click this it will start your video so let us see yes it starts my video okay but it's of default size we haven't provided any size whatever size this video was it is showing the the video in the same size but we can provide the width to this video also for example 320 by 240 width and height and when you see now see this file run and now you have provided the width to this file and when you click this it runs okay now I have told you that this control will add the control to your video so after this control whatever you write so write auto play and this auto play will hopefully I think will auto play your video you don't need to play your video when you save and run the file it will play automatically so let's see if it it plays automatically or not save the file and one and yes without we need to play this we don't need to play this video it auto played right so you can need you can add auto told also to this video file now we will see how to add a audio file into your HTML page so adding the audio file is same so for audio you I'll write less than n greater than sign and right audio here and you open and close this audio tag and inside this you will write your code but first you need to add the controls for example this control so you just copy this controls and paste it here okay and in between this you need to write this same code just copy it and paste it here you just need to change the name of the audio file and the type so let's see what's the name of our audio file it's click and go to the properties and its name is audio and it's a mp3 file so audio mp3 and here also audio and mp3 file so this will hopefully play the audio so let's try save the file and run the program and it's not showing anything right now why it's not showing in the Mozilla this audio file is because Mozilla doesn't support this audio file so the same code when you write go here and in the notepad the same code when you run with Chrome Google Chrome browser let's see what happens so run and launch in chrome ok and now when you see you can see a audio file here and you can play it and it's playing so this audio file depends upon the browser also what browser you are working on this audio file depends upon that also so in some browser audio file is supported in some browser it's not supported and in Mozilla Firefox it's not supported that's why you need to run this program in Chrome ok so in this blog I have shown you how to add video file and audio file with your HTML code I hope you have enjoyed this blog 😊