hi guys this is the end blog for this project so we're gonna just do some minor changes like we're gonna build we're gonna create the functionality for log out and just deploy our app so in here in our back to code in here you have to use with router for pushing the uh slash so i'm going to use with router in here so i have imported the with router and i'm going to use in here so on click equal to i'm just going to use history dot boost this last and it doesn't have its history because we haven't extracted the history from props so i'm just gonna use it history now we have to use this logo functionality yes now what happens that we have this logout even in here but this header belongs to the home and so the home home in the home there is a header so it provides an attribute to this header.js and also this home belongs to app.js so that this upper component can know that is log to be true or false whenever state changes so what i have said like it's a big word so i'm just gonna show it so in here what i can do we're gonna use on click matter and as you know that we can build our own method inside a cl functional component so that's what i'm going to use i'm going to use cons handle click and use the handle click and push the changes so history dot boost history dot push to slash like if it's on the slash spread so it will first change to slash and then whatever we wanna do so in here i'm just for the sake i'm just gonna give is locked for now so what we need is lock to be a false so i'm just gonna provide this to be a false now this is not the end what we need in here go to our home.js in here we have provided this header right in here we have give this is logged as an attribute now it has a props that should be given to this is loved so for now i'm just gonna give any name that you want to give i'm just gonna give a name handle locked i'm just gonna give any name you can give any name you want and i'm just gonna use handle locked and this handle locked belongs to this app.js you can see and it belongs to this home in here i have provided a handle logged as you can see that vs code gives the intelligence that it has a handle logged now in here i'm just gonna call this dot what we're gonna call handle login so this is the part where state management comes handy so that's why the people learn like redux and recoil because we can see that we're gonna have to provide data or attributes or methods uh again and again to the components uh and again inside different components so this become a data insertion data injection so to provide these things we have to learn like redux required now just save it and just going to see that what happens now now if i just go to test at the retest.com and use it and if i just go to brat and if i just log out you can see that we have been logged out right so this is all the parts that we need to know and so the one thing only remains that we have to deploy it so just get started to deploy this our app as you know that we have learned how to deploy it but i'm just gonna show it again so first of all what we need we need first of all and use npm install to install gh pages and if it's done what we can do in our package.json so first of all don't do this first of all you have to go to your github.com so i'm just going to go to my github.com now in here i'm just going to create a new app and give the app name that you want to give i'm just gonna give this insta app which already exists in my so i'm just gonna give insta repo app okay now i'm just going to create this repository and just going to copy this link and back to our code okay it's going to install let's take time okay see you after some time maybe okay so it has been successfully installed now what we need in here we need the home page name and as you know the home page should be http collins less the github name and use github dot io and the name of your repo so insta what's the name instaripo app okay and star repo app now in here what we need in the script we need uh two keys we need first one pre-deploy and in here i'm going to run npm run build and second one is deploy so that we're gonna run this deploy and after we are running it will first the pre-deploy it will run this script then it will run the deploy script now in here what we need we need g h hyphen basis that's the build that's all we need now just go to your command prompt and just run npm run deploy so it will take some time just wait hi guys there is one we are mistaken here we first have to like we have to use git remote at the origin in here so what we need we are just gonna link it here and now you can use in bimrang deploy so if we just run it now it's gonna work as you can see that it has been successfully deployed now i'm just gonna start like i'm just gonna deploy or use a github repo for this one so i'm just gonna add it get a dot and use gate commit that's m to be something now it's gonna say something now if you just deploy it i'm just gonna use it get plus origin master now it's been deployed out now if you just go to our code and just gonna refresh it out and in here insta repo app you can see we got one environment and just go to it here and just see view deployment we got the app but as you can see this is wrong right so why is that so what's happening in here that it doesn't it has a base name right in here there is a problem called like whenever we if this is the base name that we have provided in our like in our code in our app.js or yeah in here in browser router in index.js you can see that we haven't provided the base name because the base name is required here so it has a base name and we can give the base name of the link that we have provided so we're gonna give this slash insta replay so our each link will be started from this insta depo app so now if we just save it and again post it by using npm brand deploy and just gonna use git add dot that what we have changes in here and use gate commit to sm and post it and let's go to our browser in here we're gonna start with the insta app now it's working as you can see now it's working right now in our deployment as you can see that it's working that our link will be started from this lessons type by giving in the browser router as a base name of this installer so yeah that's all thanks