hello guys welcome to the first blog on JavaScript tutorial for beginners in this blog we will learn what is JavaScript and how does it work and if the time permits we will also see how we can write our first Java Script code so first of all what is JavaScript javascript is a high-level dynamic untyped and interpreted programming language and alongside HTML and CSS it is one of the three most essential technologies of world wide web content production now if you are using HTML and CSS most probably you are generating only static pages for your website and what is static static means there is no interactivity in your web page you can only produce text images tables and frames but there is no interactivity involved in your web page now javascript is just for that so javascript allows you to add interactivity with your web page so for example you want to add a user and you want the user to log in to your website before accessing your content so this can be added through JavaScript right or you can use JavaScript to manipulate the actions of the user for example he clicks something and he wants to calculate the values of something for example addition of two numbers you can do it with JavaScript very easily now if you're thinking javascript is a very difficult language to learn it's not it's really easy to learn and it was developed by nest Netscape first okay now what is the meaning of interactivity I will show you by example so for example I have this temperature converter let's see on the actual webpage how it looks like so this is a temperature converter right now all this is right now HTML and CSS and for example I want to convert a Celsius value into a Fahrenheit and Kelvin I need to use a JavaScript or in fact I'm using javascript in this webpage to calculate these values for us so for example I add 5 degree Celsius here and I want to calculate the respective value of Fahrenheit and Kelvin I can just click this convert what button and JavaScript does it magic it converts it and it shows it here so this is the magic of JavaScript okay now not only JavaScript calculates something but it improves the appearance of your web page especially if you are using graphics or visual feedback it can also make your site navigation easier and interactive and as I already said that it can perform calculations and validation validation means just for example login a page of your website right so how does it work it can be embedded into your HTML page so you can directly embed script element into your HTML code and you can use javascript otherwise you can create a javascript file and add it into your HTML page okay now javascript is executed on the client side so it's fast and once it's loaded no connection is needed from the server to execute or to make it work ok now it uses simple programming statement combined with HTML tag and as I already said it's an interpreted language now there are two type of languages one is a compiled language and other is an interpreted language compiled language is a 1 when you compile it first and create a binary of it and when you execute this binary it will work but the interpreted means for example javascript is an interpreted language so we don't need to compile it but it can be used directly on the browser and it can be interpreted by the browser so you can say browser interprets it and if it's valid then it will be shown to the user right now some people thinks that Java and Java scripts are almost same but they are not Java and Java scripts are totally different languages okay so for example what is Java Java is a full programming language which is much harder to learn and it's a compiled language and it's independent of web so you can use Java with web technologies but it's not necessary that you have to use web technologies with Java it can you know do its stuff on its own without any web technology right on the other hand javascript is an interpreted language which has its own syntax and what we need to code JavaScript one is the text editor and other is the browser okay so you can choose any browser of your choice and the text editor for example you can use notepad or WordPad which comes with windows or you can use notepad plus plus which is a little bit more advanced version of notepad or you can use some IDE like eclipse or NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA or there are many IDE s IDE stands for integrated development environment which you can use to code JavaScript ok now if you want to learn JavaScript most probably you need to revise your HTML skills right so because we use JavaScript mostly with HTML so you need to have some idea of HTML also okay now this is a small example of a JavaScript code so you have HTML and you can add JavaScript code inside this HTML page so let's see how we can do it so I have this sample HTML code and for example I want to add this JavaScript code inside it what I can do here is I can add a script tag here and just add this type is equal to text slash JavaScript so it knows which type of language it is which is JavaScript right and in here too for example I want to print something on the web page I can use document dot write so document dot write and here I can just write for example hello world and don't forget to give the semicolon here and I will save it and I will go to the web page on which I want to execute it and refresh my web page and so shows hello world ok now for example I want to add some HTML tags inside this document I can do it easily just add for example h1 tag at the start and ending tag at the last which is same and save your code and refresh your webpage and it's showing it in the h1 tags okay so you can use JavaScript like this now we will learn more how we can use JavaScript and how we can you know create interactive web pages using javascript in the further blogs so stay tuned