hello guys welcome to the next blog on JavaScript tutorial for beginners in this blog we will see how we can install notepad plus plus which is a code editor for JavaScript or Eclipse IDE for developing your JavaScript project so first of all let's see how we can install a notepad plus plus so just open your browser and search for notepad plus plus and the first option most probably will come here will be from notepad minus plus minus plus 0 RG you can directly click download option from here and in here they have the download option for Windows as an installer so you just need to click this notepad plus plus installer and you just need to run the installer ok and once the notepad plus plus is installed you just need to search for notepad plus plus and it's going to look like this ok now to make a HTML 5 here you just need to create a new file and then right click on it and then save it as our HTML file ok so just choose hypertext markup language from here and give the name to your file for example test dot HTML okay and save it and here you can write your code for example my code looks like this which we have seen in the last blog and to run this first you need to save it and then go to this option called run and here you will be able to see some options depending upon the browser installed on your system so it says launch in Firefox Internet Explorer Chrome or Safari so we want to do it in Firefox we'll launch it in Firefox so choose this option and it's going to open this in Firefox ok so this is how you can install notepad plus plus now let's see how we can install Eclipse IDE on our Windows operating system so to install Eclipse IDE you need to have a Java JDK install in your system because it's a prerequisite for installing Eclipse IDE now you just need to search for Java JDK here and just click the link which says oracle.com ok so go inside here and here you need to choose this option which says Java download and once you click here you need to click this radio button which says accept license and condition and you need to install or download the installer which says x64 dot exe which is the last option we can see right now if you have 32-bit operating system you need to choose x86 which is the second last option from the top or if you have some other operating system like Mac OS or Linux then you can choose those here as well once this executable file is downloaded you just need to double click on it and run it and it will probably take few seconds of few minutes to install it and after installing you will be able to see in your C folder of your windows operating system there will be a folder called Program Files and in the Program Files you will be able to see this Java folder and here you will find two folders one is JDK and other is JRE you can even change the name of these folder because when they were installed on my system there was something like JDK 8 point 1 point 4 whatever so I change the name to this JDK 8 and jay-ar in and once you change the folder name you can go to your search option of for Windows and then search for system here ok and for after installing Java JDK you need to set the environment variable for Java so that Eclipse IDE can recognize this Java ok so go to system then go to advanced setting and in that one setting go to environment variable and in the environment variable you just need to go to this system variable called path and double-click on it and in here what you need to do is you just need to copy the path where your JDK folder is so just go inside this JDK 8 folder and then go inside this bin folder ok and then copy this path from here and go at the last and give the semicolon and paste this path up to bin ok so I have already done this so I will not do it again but you need to do it here and same you need to do it with JRE folder so go into the JRE folder and then go to bin folder and copy the path and go at the last give the semicolon 1 semicolon here and then paste the path here ok once you do that click OK and ok and ok ok and now your environment variables are set now after installing Java and setting the environment variable you need to go to the eclipse website which is Eclipse dot download or let's see how is this home page looks like for the Eclipse IDE so you will be able to see this home page like this and then you can just click this download button which will lead you to this page now you can see here they have introduced the Eclipse installer recently so you can choose this installer and you don't need to worry about anything so just click for this installer for example 64-bit installer and download it and install it and it will ask you which version of Eclipse you want to install so there are different type of Eclipse available on this website for example Eclipse IDE for Java EE Eclipse IDE for Java developer Eclipse IDE for C++ Eclipse IDE for PHP the one we want is Eclipse IDE for EE developers and when you see the description you will see here that it can be used for depth element and you can use it for HTML or JavaScript projects right so I will prefer to choose this option and depending upon the operating system I will choose 64 bit because my operating system is 64 bit and once you click this you will be able to see you know different option to download ok so you can see the one which is closer to my location is this one so I can just click this option download and it will be downloaded to my computer if you want to get it faster you can see here there are different links so for example I can choose this IBM source from yours and click this download button and from here you can just click this 64-bit version and it will download our Eclipse zip file ok so once you download this Eclipse zip file it's going to look like this so you just need to extract this zip file so extract file and I would like to extract this file in my C folder so extract it in your C folder and once you extract this Eclipse folder in your C folder go to this Eclipse folder here and it's going to look like this the contents are like this ok so this is our executable which opens Eclipse IDE you can just right click on it and you can send it to your desktop as a shortcut also so send to desktop and it will create a shortcut and if you want to open this Eclipse IDE you just need to click this Eclipse dot exe file here so just double click on it and it's going to open Eclipse IDE so for the first time when you open a Clips ID it's going to show you this option to create your workspace workspace is nothing but the location where all your project will be saved ok so leave it as default and click OK and it's going to open your Eclipse IDE now for the first time when you open Eclipse IDE it's going to give you this kind of a welcome message which you can cancel from here and to create a new project what you need to do is you need to go to file and go to new and choose project from here and in here you have two options to create a Java Script project one is go to the Java Script and select JavaScript project or other one is go to web folder and select static web project for now so for now I'm going to choose this static web project and click Next and now I am going to give the name to my project for example test project for example ok and now you can just click finish I'm just going to create you this project now you can open multiple project inside this Eclipse IDE you can see one I was already using so I can right click on this project which I was using and I can close this by selecting this option close project ok it's going to close my project ok or if you want to delete this project from this project was Explorer you can right click and click delete and if you click OK it's going to delete it from this project to Explorer but it's not going to delete it from your hard disk ok so in order to delete it forever you just need to check this option and it's going to delete it forever ok now this is my project here and it contains one folder called web content which is empty so I will right-click on it and I will create a new HTML file here and I will name it as for example test dot HTML and click finish and it's going to create me the HTML file okay now this Eclipse IDE gives you the ill will web browser to test your code ok so you can just go to the location where this text dot HTML is inside the web content folder right-click on it and then go to open width and then click web browser and Eclipse has its own web browser which you can use to run your code so for example I can add some JavaScript code here for example script and as we have done last time we are going to just add document here dot write and we can just add hello world and save your code and refresh this web page and it's going to give you this hello world output here okay so in this way you can install notepad plus plus or Eclipse IDE to create your new Java Script project now you can choose either of them I will be using this Eclipse IDE but if you wish you can also choose this notepad plus plus editor so that's it for this blog I hope you've enjoyed this blog